
"Liquid Ease is amazing. I recently purchased this for my husband that has chronic back pain from an injury years ago and also joint pain with a combination of arthritis and overuse in his shoulder. With a recent opinion from a surgeon for his back, he was told to prolong surgery as long as possible and to take pain medication and muscle relaxers. This idea didn’t settle well with either of us as these prescription medications come with damage and side effects. After hearing about this and researching, he tried it. His joint pain and back pain are non-existent when he takes this twice daily. He is in disbelieve he can feel so much relief! We both love that this is all natural and completely safe. He is shocked how well this works! So happy!" - Michelle


"I give this (Pet DeLight) to my dog every single morning. It makes such a difference in his 10-year-old Labrador hips and shoulders. I noticed when I don’t give it to him, he struggles to get in the car or on my bed. Once he is back to having it in his food every day, he acts like a puppy again." - Joanne


 "I have tested various CBD oils with patients seeking relief from pain, autoimmune flares, neurological issues (and more) and I can honestly say nothing is as potent as The Lighthearted Farmer's product. Your full spectrum hemp extract makes an enormous difference in their lives." - Blake


"Between the pain and the anxiety, I feel like a whole new person." - Christine


"Honestly I was so anxious the other day and I took it... An hour later I felt great. Amazing." - Kristie


"I've been using Liquid Ease for 2 months. I have sciatica problems, joint pain, and anxiety. Liquid Ease helps to relieve my pain and stress." - Peter


"As a health coach that specializes in chronic illness, I'm always on the lookout for high-quality cannabis products. I'm so grateful that a friend mentioned The Lighthearted Farmer. I'm so in love with my lavender Liquid Ease! It's wonderfully calming and relaxes me on both a physical and emotional level. I will definitely be recommending this to my clients, friends, and family!" - Melani 


"I take it about 30 minutes before I go to bed, and sometimes when I wake up, to ease back pain - and it helps so much!" - Laura


“We’ve been taking your CBD oil every night this week and been sleeping like champs. It’s so good. I am just shocked - both of us sleep like 8hrs straight. No wake ups.” - Amber


“The texture of The Lighthearted Farmer balms is so luxurious! I use the Ice Balm whenever I have a backache, and the Fire Balm is spicy and soothing for sore muscles and cramps.” - Anne-Marie

“I absolutely love The Lighthearted Farmer’s products! After using the CBD Earth balm for only a couple days, the eczema on my hands cleared up almost completely. I have dry sensitive skin, and this balm is my saving grace! I also use the CBD oil, which unlike other cannabis products out there doesn’t have any negative side effects. I feel relaxed, clear and happy when I take it. I give it to my dog from time to time too and he loves it!” - Ayla


"My husband was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal adenocarcinoma in Feb 2018. I struggled to find someone with some quality full extract cannabis oil but luckily Jerrik came through for us. Unfortunately I found this oil, which was a different ratio than what I had, after we started treatment with chemo and radiation so I will never know if the oil alone helped with the tumor shrinkage. However, during treatment my husband maintained his weight due to increased appetite, he slept better, his pain was controlled, he never developed mouth sores from the chemo, his CBC for bodily functions like liver and kidney always stayed normal, and his recovery between each treatment was faster than what the doctors normally saw. All by just using the oil, no additional Rx medications. Giving him the full extract cannabis oil also got him out of the hospital post op when he could not stop vomiting from all the pain meds, of which he never became addicted to thanks to the oil. As of Feb 2019 he has no signs of cancer and he feels amazing. Thank you!" - Tanya


"Our dog Belle of 14 years had low energy rarely running and acting playful. After using the awesome Pet Delight in her food the change was drastic. She no longer has the extreme stiffness in her joints and her excitement to run and play is the perfect touch to everyday." - Riley


"I have 3 herniated discs and arthritis in my neck that required cervical epidurals with steroids every 6 months to deal with the chronic, debilitating pain. They caused hair loss and who knows what other damage, but it was my only relief after trying acupuncture and other holistic methods. I read in a blog by Joanne Matson ,(my former sister-in-law) owner of Canna-Veda, that she had treated her Lab dog with Liquid Ease for arthritis and he was acting like a puppy again! I contacted her about it and she highly recommended I try Liquid Ease for my neck pain. Well, that was almost a year ago and thanks to a twice daily half dropper of 600 mg Liquid Ease...my neck pain is GONE!! I can't believe the difference in my life and activity level now thanks to this miracle product. I can do things again that I had to give up due to pain. There are no words to express the gratitude I have for this wonderful product and the people who make it." - Susan


"I have a patient that had a kidney removed as well as type 2 diabetes. After two months of using Liquid Ease, his blood sugars have stabilized, and his kidney doctor cut his dose of medicine in half. His blood work was the best they had ever seen it! He's also stopped taking a pain pill and two antidepressants!" - Abbey


"Our dog Annie jumped up on my bed by herself. It has been years since she did that! She gets her Pet DeLight every morning!" - Rhonda


" I really want to thank you for the CBG Liquid Ease! It truly saved me on my 12 hour shifts! I take a 1/2 dropper full when I wake up at 5am. It really wakes my brain up and gets me focused and out of the house. Then another 1/2 dropper full around 1:30pm which keeps me mentally clear through to 7pm. Also, the Earth Balm you gave me healed my mosquito bites so quickly!!!! Like the next morning they were almost gone! Your products are so wonderful, powerfully healing. Thank you so so much!." - Marsea 


"I’ve never written a testimonial before, but I soooo love this product.  I have actually tried every sleep aid there is and have not gotten the relief that your product has given me.  I have had little sleep for 4 years and your product is the only thing that has given me back my sleep.... and sanity!  I would go night upon night only getting 4 to 5 hours of sleep, and the sleep I did get was interrupted every 1/2 hour with wakefulness.  There were times I felt so lethargic and hopeless.  After only 2 weeks, your product has given me 9 hours of uninterrupted deep sleep at night and I just can’t thank you enough. I feel so hopeful and restored. And after visiting with you, I see this is much more than a business for you. Thank you for helping restore my body to work as God intended!!!" - Jacque